Did you know that:
Get a healthy lifestyle checkup today in your local pharmacy today - especially if you have no pre-existing conditions!
Our NHS healthy lifestyle checkup aims to lower your risk of heart or kidney disease and stroke, many of which do not have any obvious symptoms.
We’ll help you find out if you are at any risk, so you can take action to improve your health. This could include making lifestyle changes or taking medicines.
The free NHS healthy lifestyle check service will take place with one of our pharmacy team, who will ask you a few questions about your lifestyle and family to assess your risk of:
Dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, respiratory illness and many preventable cancers share the risk factors that we will assess during your health check.
A free NHS healthy lifestyle check could help you to reduce your chance of getting these conditions too.
The checkup takes about 20 to 30 minutes and usually includes:
*cholesterol check not available at every pharmacy, check our pharmacy listings for this service
You’ll also be asked some questions about your health including:
It’s completely free of charge at your local pharmacy - Find your nearest pharmacy and call them to book an appointment or just drop in to the pharmacy without one
You'll usually be told your results during the appointment.
You'll be given your cardiovascular risk score of developing a heart or circulation problem, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes or kidney disease, over the next 10 years.
The healthcare professional may describe this risk score as low, moderate or high.
Everybody's cardiovascular risk rises with age, so the next time you have an NHS Health check your risk score may be higher, even if your test results are the same.
There are some things about your risk which you cannot change, such as your age, ethnicity and family history. But the most important factors in your risk score (such as smoking, your cholesterol level and blood pressure) can be changed.
Your NHS Health Check results should also be broken down into:
*cholesterol check not available at every pharmacy, check our pharmacy listings for this service
At the end of your checkup, you'll have the chance to discuss your results and how to improve your scores, including where you can get support.
This could include talking about how to:
You may also be referred to local services, such as stop smoking and physical activity services, to help you make any changes.
Every step you take towards a healthier lifestyle, even if it’s just a little one, will help improve your wellbeing, even if you start with just 10 minutes a day!